This page is to document the building of revells 1/72nd scale Panther Ausf A. The completed Panther will depict Ernst Barkmanns famous "424" in the St. Lo area of Normandy July 1944.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

To make things more difficult I lost one of the periscopes i cut off to the carpet gods and had to make 2 extras. From this photo you can see that the periscope to the left looks allright (this is one I made myself) but trust me, the rest are shit house and already have had 2 coats of putty. I just don't understand why the 3 remaing periscopes i transplanted fit so terribly. Why is it that once a model manufacturer is aware of a problem they don't fix it!!! I know margins are small and all that other business crap but surely over the 30+ year life of a kit wouldn't they sell more and have happier customers if they made the corrections. I hope dragon (DML) is listening to this re: their new T34/76 1940 and it's terrible tracks (my next blog).


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