Tuesday, March 07, 2006
I've also painted the damaged zimmerit with Humbrol red oxide 113 were it's chipped all the way down to the armour and a concrette colour where it has only chipped the outer surface off the zimmerit. This was done before the decals went on and i will need to touch up a few spots as the decals fall on some of the damaged zimmerit.
The decals are on and don't they look good. I set them in place with Gunze's MR Mark Setter and then used Mr Mark Softer to get them to bite down onto the zimmerit surface. The Gunze products are certainly very good and easy to work with, although it did take me a bit of trial and error as everything except the name for this stuff is in Japanese!!
Monday, March 06, 2006
Hurrah!!! the decals have arrived and they are perfect, thank you Lawrence. This pic does not do them justice, in the flesh they are just fantastic the suttle variation in the numbers and the bulken cruz make them super realistic and stand out in the crowd, they will add that special something to anyones model.
He has also released a set for the tiger tanks of Schwere Panzerabteilung 502, and the Abrams and more are planned. You should all support this guy as he's taking a bit of a gamble in supplying us 1/72nd scalers with quality decals and he realy diserves to succeed. Each sheet has enough decals to make many tanks they are the best I've seen in this scale and arn't very expensive either. Check out his site: http://pachome1.pacific.net.sg/~kriegsketten/
Here is a better shot of the DML panther G. It was also my first attempt at a base to mount the tank on, I think it came out quite well. I'm waiting on the figure to put in the commanders couploa, I've ordered it from Eureka minatures in Melbourne Australia, it's a metal figure from the AB range. I used the blue tac method to mask the the areas not to be painted and laid the paint down starting with the yellow then the red and finaly the green. It's a very time consuming method and difficlult to get right but I feel it's worth persisting with.