Well here it is, as well as being an amature model maker I'm also an amature film maker and I've come up with a film idea to combine both these loves. The idea is to retell the Ernst Barkman July 27th 1944 by using models and dioramas instead of actors and sets. I'll shoot it with a combination of video and still photographs and composite it all together in software on my edit suite.
I've already started my research on the subject, there is tons of Ernst Barkmann information out there but not so much from the American side. So if there is anybody out there with information from that day and in particluar the US vehicles present and destroyed in the action please let me know. This is what I've found out so far: all accounts indicate that the American units were from the 3rd armored division and included 9 shermans (no specifics on types) and at least one fuel truck/tanker destroyed , other accounts indicate there were many jeeps, halftracks and other softskins aswell. What i don't know is the number of infantry involved on both sides, the US tactical units and their size nor the german units in the nearby villages of Le Lorey and Le Neufbourg apart from Barkmann's 2nd SS. All information will be much appreciated.
To complete this task i will most likely need the help of other members of the modeling community as there will be at least 12-15 tanks and many soft skins, dozens of infantry in different poses etc and not to mention the various dioramas, a village and several different road scenes. It all sounds very complex but i think the end product will be quite worth the effort and anyway what else will we be doing?